Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Quick Peek

Just wanted to give everyone a quick peek into our lives haha!! The chaos that we call life! We made a trip home this weekend that was packed with events, I remembered to take the camera, however did not get it out ONE time- no clue what was wrong with me. So I will remember it this weekend on our return trip for my hair cut!!!!!! Yey!

To acquaint the girls I always ask Hadley to lay with sis during diaper time. She has started to grab her hands and just hold them. It's absolutely precious!

Cute shots after bath time!

The mohawk is just pure fuzz after a bath!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Busy Busy

It's hard to believe Gweny is only 15 days old. It seems like she's been here for a lot longer. She is such a little blessing. We have a lot of work to do as far as nights go in our house, but I have to remember she is only 2 weeks old and shouldn't be in a routine yet. Being in a daze will eventually feel normal (I think that is what happened with Hadley). We are so blessed.

Striking a pose, already.

Like I said, the cousins were all in town and so our house was chaos. All the kids wanted to hold "gg" (thanks Grandpa). Hadley and Mae taking their turn.

This was Hadley first time walking around the cousins and you could just tell she had been waiting to play with them and try all the crazy things they do. At Grandma's they used to run the halls, so Hadley wanted to do that and just scream like a maniac. My heart swells...

Evan with Gweny

Big sis spoiling her!

Mae Mae couldn't get enough of her...

Ella loving on GG

Gweny never seemed small until she got a visit from Claudia- born 4 weeks before Gweny...

She is just so stinking precious.

Hadley is always watching over her and checking on her when she starts making noise.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


So life has been incrediblybusy, in the best way! Our first week home, Mark was off work so he was able to help us out. Then my whole family came in town last weekend to do a roof so everyone got to meet Gweny and the house was let's see...busy. The kids loved "baby Gweny or GG," plus it was the first time Hadley was around the cousins walking and she was a mad woman!! So proud. I have pictures from this weekend, but just got the photos off our camera uploaded from the first week. So enjoy these pics!

A proud Mama...

Her feet are huge!!

Beautiful baby girl.

The Goins' gals...

Our first family shot- aren't we cute?!

A shot of that hair...

Hadley still adjusting to sharing daddy's lap...

A silly family photo- my favorite is Hadley's little peepers!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Goin's Girls

So the last post was all about Gweny and Lord knows Hadley is still our little pumpkin that has a lot of adjusting to do. She is doing incredibly well with Gweny. She will say hi whenever we come in a room, "eye baby or siiiis." She offers to share her food, tosses her books to her to read, and even points out her eyes over and over. Most of all she likes to tickle her toes and rub her beautiful hair (usually fairly gentle). So most of these pictures are their first encounters. Don't worry there will be plenty more posts of just Gweny, we haven't even loaded any of our pictures, these are all mom's still.

The first meeting of sisters. Grandpa brought her to the hospital on Sunday morning after breakfast. She was incredibly excited to see Mark and I, then we introduced baby. Out of nowhere she says "baby sis," pretty sure everyone's jaws dropped!!!!! Grandpa took Gweny and Hadley had to be on his lap. This is the first actual encounter caught on film...

The guys went to the cafeteria in hopes to find food for us ladies so I had sis in bed with me when Hadley decided she wanted to see her. This picture is her doing her classic, "eyes? eyes?" with a poke and a poke ha.

This is the first gentle kiss from big sister to little sister, BEAUTIFUL!!!!!

Gweny has got some big feet and hands, I just can't resist taking pictures of them!!

Before we left to the hospital, Gweny gave her sister a present for bed. Her favorite character (next to Yo Gabba Gabba) is Spongebob and Hadley just had a hay day with these pjs, looking at her belly and just yelling Spongebob. It was too precious.

We decided to come home on Monday and had to capture a photo of her in her coming home outfit, which I wore in 1983 when I came home from the hospital- tooooo precious!

Lastly we showed Hadley pictures of her sis and she was just mesmorized!

Don't worry there will be many more posts to keep everyone updated. We are doing really well. She sleeps from like 1230 until 5ish which is absolutely stellar for me!! She had her check up today. Her weight was down to 7 lbs even so we've got to get her going with feedings to make sure she starts puting weight back on. She is slightly jaundice, no tests yet we are just going to push feeding every three hours during the day and hope it clears up naturally! We go back on Thursday next week.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Gwenyth Emery Goins' Birthday!!!!

Doesn't this look like the face of a great big sister?!

What a whirlwind of a holiday weekend!!!!!!! On Friday night I thought that my water broke so Saturday morning we packed up and headed to the hospital, to be sent back home. ARGH. Then Saturday afternoon around 5:00 PM I definitely woke up to my water breaking!! After eating dinner and hanging out with my parents we headed BACK to the hospital around 10:30 PM to be admitted around 11:30 PM.

Epidural came around 1:20 AM. Then we waited (everyone attempted to nap hence the picture).

Around 4:15 AM the nurse said I was fully dialated and called the doctor. He got there around 4:30 AM and told me not to laugh as she was RIGHT there. We got around and started my PUSH (yes, just one). He stopped me in the middle and said hold on, and Gweny came right out on her own!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so blessed. Here are her stats:
Birthdate: 9/6/09 @ 4:50 AM
Weight: 7lbs 8oz
Height: 21.5 inches

First picture and yes that is BLONDE hair...

A fresh cut cord...

Proof of my weight!!

A group shot of the new parents, nurse and the doctor...

Lastly the hair, up close and personal.

The pictures do NOT do her beautiful blonde hair justice, it is insane and the first thing EVERYONE comments on when they see her. There are some great pictures of her on the hospital sight, click here: http://www.our365.com/NewbornPortraits/BabyDetail.aspx?birthid=714a9495-9f7c-46c2-9272-b4a946426219

We got home this afternoon (we couldn't stand being away from Hadley)
Look for more pics and stories as the week goes on, for now I am off to sleep! Much love to everyone!