Tuesday, June 16, 2009


These were taken last weekend we were home. The kids LOVE playing outside at Grandpa and Grandma's house and once Hadley got acquainted with the grass she was into it also! These are a few funny faces caught on film.

Somehow she does a tongue twist, it's craziness...

This is her being silly...

Mae's serious face...

Lastly, per request of those in other states- JILLY!!!!! Here is my tummy, already bigger than with Hadley- as can be expected. These were taken last week so at 26 weeks along...



I am the Greatest!!! These pictures are super cute too. :)

jamie! said...

woo hoo! I am super jealous!

Diana Lesjak said...

Finally!!! COMMENTS!! Hadley is just so adorable!! Love all the pictures... Keep it up!! So excited she will have a baby sister!