Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Back to Work, Ugh

So I started back last Wednesday and man was it rough. Getting out of the house in the morning seems like a marathon. Starting my day at 530 is rough, granted I'm usually already up with Gweny?!?! If she could just make the WHOLE night life would be a lot better for us!! (okay, me). Gweny is becoming a real talker, cooing, sighing and grunting to our delight!! She has adjusted to going to the sitter like a champ, I honestly don't know that she even realizes I'm not there ha, except being boob-less!!! Jackie (our sitter) just adores her and think she sounds just like Hadley. I of course still have some impact on her beautiful looks! Potty training is still an attempt with Hadley, hence these pictures. Not everyone has a potty in their living room do they??! Mom had to for the times Hadley just had to go when I was feeding sissy!!

I can't believe how grown up she is...

The silliest songs make Gweny laugh like crazy. This is our Lion King sacrifice song that we get going with Hadley & Gweny- THEY LOVE IT!!!

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