Sunday, February 13, 2011


2011 has been a year of curveballs to say the least. Through all the ups and downs Mark and I continue to make sure we are counting our blessings. Two important ones being Hadley and Gweny. These two are characters and the relationship that they have is growing in a beautiful way. These pictures say it all about the fun that happens in our house amongst the chaos.

Beg Daddy to dry our hair then hide as best as we can....

Wear no pants and put on flip flops in the middle of winter...

Sroller races around the kitchen...

"I will catch up to my sissy!!!"

Toothbrush time, sweet as pie.

How cute are these little butts?!?!?!?!

However Hadley dresses, Gweny has to dress so if it's a vest for Hadley it's a vest for Gweny...

If Hadley's going to read in the chair, well you get the drift...

We frequently have impromptu parades...

Hadley loves to read to her sister...

I see the bond of sisters coming through for these two and I am so excited for what that means, they won't understand for a long time, could be another twenty years if they are like me, but it will be worth the wait to figure it out.

1 comment:

Diana Lesjak said...

Gweny is getting so big! Fun pictures!