Friday, April 29, 2011

These pictures are rather old. Once I got my little camera I completely forgot to upload the last of my photos off the fancy one. Luckily Mark started using it for his woodworking pictures (look for attached blog coming soon- High Speed Art). I had to share these random shots because they are too stinking cute.

We often have tents in our living room, this particular day I had the camera handy. This picture has too much going on. Gweny is cracking herself up. Mark can't stop laughing and look closely that would be Hadley's tongue sticking out under the blanket :)

This peek a boo picture leads to my favorite picture of Gweny adoring her dad...

That smile right there is why we do what we do as parents.

Reading time, gotta love it. Ignore the trainwreck in the background...

Always annoyed by mommy taking pictures.

This is the day we went to festival of lights. It was so cold that day so I bundled the kiddos up, it took like an hour just to get them prepped. Hadley was okay with it but Gweny....

Not so much.

This is what happens when Hadley decides to take pictures- a rather interesting perspective, at least it's clean under my couch :)

So my kids have an obsession with the dog box. I of course posted the ones with the door open so I don't go to jail :) They get in crack up, get out, one in two in some how it's tons of fun. For some reason Gweny's face looks thick in this picture but I think it's gotta be her smile & the angle.

Like I said, in and out...

Beautiful artwork completed by Hadley.

Told you these were old. Hadley leaving cookies and milk for Santa, she even wrote him a letter.

Trying to get these two kids to pose together, you'd think I'd just give up but I'm determined...

Not so much this night.

Cuddle time right before bed- no I don't let them sleep together they stay in seperate rooms.

OH I finally got one together, looking at the camera!!!!!!!!!!!

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