Sunday, June 26, 2011

South Carolina Part Two

Be prepared. Lots of pictures. Lots.

Looking fly on the road trip (also no clue it was going to be eight hours!!!!!) Trying to be cool.

Once we got there, the girls needed to stretch their legs. So off to the playground we go. Which was made for kids 6+ but we improvised which meant mom went down the slide repeatedly.

This girl is just TOOOOO stinking cute. I almost passed out when I first met her because she was more tan than I am after going to Mexico. So precious. Couldn't resist pictures with this outfit. Man did she give me a major baby craving.

Too precious.

My dorkie girls attempting to pose with her.

What mom?

A new yoga pose.

My girls were terrible influences. Always encouraging bad stuff!

She looks so much like her father it kind of scares me, he is one cute girl!

Jilly wanted to make something for Chris' first Father's Day so we headed to a local studio and did some painting which then got fired in the kiln. We opted to let the girls do their own tiles which we plan to incorporate into our permanent house :)

The each picked out their own colors and then went crazy. We finished off with their handprints and initials. Ideally we could do them yearly.

My picasso, wearing a beaded necklace?????

Surprisingly Gweny was able to complete the task without chaos. Strange.

The girls finished their pieces and then we had to GET OUT of that studio. Tons of breakable items
so I let the girls burn some energy!

Lots of energy.

Me and my angels. Well sometimes angels, but look how sweet they look here :)

After nap time we headed to the pool. Chloe is a fish, literally. She is so good at swimming.

My girls, well they were a little gun shy at first. Probably doesn't help we go from very little swimming time to straight into the deep in.

The girls were so funny during play times. Hadley would assign tasks to Chloe and Gweny. Of course they had no clue but one was the dad, one the mom and the other the baby. Crazy kids.

They got along so well. Hadley could just awalk into a room and Chloe would laugh. It really just tells me she needs a little brother or sister around to keep her company.

The next day we headed to the zoo. I was a little worried taking both girls solo but surprisingly they did awesome. Listened, had fun and no melt downs. Very rare occasion for us!!!!!

Not sure what this face is but I had to snap it!

Last year Hadley was terrified of statues at the zoo and now we have to stop for every single one!!!

Trying to get them to pose.

I think they were more excited to climb the fence then look at the giraffes in the background!

Some reason Hadley is obsessed with alligators. So we stood here way to long.

I don't think Gweny had a clue what she was looking at.

This kids area had a cow you could milk (obviously water) but Hadley had to give it a go and of course Gweny was observing.

Yes another sculpture...

All about the gorilla.

Gweny just taking it all in.

I think it's a tiger.

Of course because at our zoo we always ride the merry-go-round Hadley had to do it. So I broke down and bought the tokens and away we went. Two times.

After a fun filled weekend back in the car for the ride home. It turned into a nine hour trip thanks to Dad's suggestion to stop at Cracker Barrel (horrible food for everyone but him for some reason).

Yes, that is drool. She was exhausted.

We were a little tired too but made it and we were SO happy we went!!! Even Mark who spent most of his time going to flea markets, wood shops, and garge sales.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

The last couple sets of pictures were a blast!!!! Always look forward to seeing what my precious babies have been doing. That's two gorgeous and very funny girls you have there :)