Tuesday, March 27, 2012


I know this continues to be a theme, but with Parker being here for six weeks now we work daily on getting ourselves into a routine, which I fear will never return :) We went from the older girls down at 730/8 and Mommy and Daddy time to well no sort of routine with Parker to be had. We do still get the older girls down by 8, before the crying begins :) Then Parker either cries for 2-3 hours to sleep from like 11-5, or sleeps all evening and then stays awake all night. I know this phase will pass, I just hate being so out of control within my own house. Even with her colic she really is a blessing. Small moments of laughter or coo'ing make us fall in love with her over and over. Her sisters cannot get enough of her. The biggest challenge is channeling their energy to be helpful. Gweny is my diaper and wipes getter and Hadley helps with the morning feed. They have to feel useful I understand, but sometimes it's intense how much they want to help. Mark was being silly with the camera...

"I am mad mommy..."

"But Happy now"

Crazy face...with crazy hair.

So rough being me.

"Somebody help!!!"

Trying to watch her show and feed...a true multi-tasking woman.

"I want to help mommy..."

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