Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Hanging Out

This sling was too cute with Parker at the photo shoot.  She was naked and well let's just say number two was not sooo pretty cleaning :)

Today was my last day with Parker and it was a whirlwind. We laid and played all day long together. She now yells within her cooing, it's sooo sweet. If you get her going she will smile for you like crazy! She spiked a random fever over the weekend and seemed to be fussy, screaming every time she took a bottle yesterday and today. The good news...absolutely NOTHING is wrong with her that the doctor could see. Gonna hold out a few days before trying reflux meds, with the thought that it's residual from the virus she likely had this weekend. So on that end good. She is up to 11 lbs 11 ozs...even thought she looks so darn small.

Bad news. The babysitters two younger kids have the foot, hand mouth virus. Sweet?!?! So my girls are already most likely infected and we will find out in 3 to 6 days. Parker can't go until everyone is fever free for 48 hours. So we have got to scramble as I clearly don't have time to take. Daddy gets to stay home with her tomorrow and we will see when the other two get their fever as I have NO CLUE what we are going to do?!?!?!?!?!

This too shall pass....

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