Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Four MONTHS???

So this post is beyond late. Not sure what I do with all my time lately!?
Little miss Parker turned fourt months June 15th- ALREADY. Her doctors appointment the following week weighed her in at 13 lbs 7 ozs (Almost double her birth size!!), she is 25 1/2 inches long. So her weight is down in the 5th percentile but her height is in the 95th percentile. Go Parker!
She got her shots :( Plus we learned that her spitting up was most likely a result of reflux, now we zantac twice daily and have seen some less discomfort with bottles and random sleeping through the night?!?! Woohoo. I have more shots but just haven't gotten a chance to get an understanding of my new editing program since Picnik ended. She is becoming such a good little baby and now that she has started to fill in on her cheeks shes looking a lot like Hadley as a baby and her temperment matches. She is just super chill, and her sisters still can't get enough of her.
Enjoy these four month shots!

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