Monday, October 15, 2012

EIGHT MONTHS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In trying to be more "on the ball," we took the time to get Parker's pictures tonight because she is EIGHT MONTHS OLD TODAY!?!?! Then I even decided to post them. Miracles do actually happen. Parker is such a blast. She has so many new fun faces that just take my breath away. I guess because we know for sure that she is our last, Mark and I really are trying to soak up the milestones.  She can stand while supported, but isn't pulling up or cruising yet. She hates tummy time still but can roll all around. She's all about eating what we are having so barely eating baby food, except when I force her because we have so much in the cupboards. Her favorites are fish sticks and beef and noodles. She really wants to learn to eat on her own but it just ends in chaos and takes forever so not quite yet. Next thing I know she will be at the table with her sisters. Way to fast. She's up to 19 lbs and 2 ozs (just at doctors last week for another ear infection). We even braved taking all three in public to get pictures taken of Parker because we haven't done that for her yet. My sister-in-law took some for her newborn/ one month but other than that we have failed. I was so determined not to have her fall into the, "well it's the third child." However, she is the only one that got monthly shots (well minus seven month, we took pics but forgot the sticker...)
Much love little miss. Enjoy the pics.

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