Thursday, June 13, 2013

A little of everything...

I've been clearing my cell phone for my last few posts so here is a great big mix of items!!! The sadest part is that my camera has TONS of pics....from easter basically on but I don't ever sit down and put them on the computer. That is my to do this week. In addition to well a thousand other things?! On a better note. This pictures are awesome and do clue you in on to what is going on in the Goins' household!!
This picture was clearly taken before Hadley's surgery. Look at those checks and jaw?!?!?
A rare occasion when they are in the car and NOT screaming or crying.

Gwen and Parker got their ears pierced. It was quite simple. Not sure why we didn't think to do it as the girls were babies...guess life is about learning huh?? Hadley will get hers done. Maybe not until she is like 15 because she gets so worked up, but when she's ready we will go.

We got a motorized vehicle. Never thought we would. GLAD we did. Girls ride it nonstop. They love their "motor," and quickly learned the slow/ fast and forward/ reverse settings. So far no major casualties...they did hit the van once and Hadley smashed into a tree but no real injuries!

 Oh Parker. What can we say about this sassy girl? Sometimes you just want to get your point across but don't quite have the vocabulary you need. Momma, dada, night night, oh yeah, that, up, pat, pawpaw...those don't cover everything do they baby doll?? You continue to be the perfect ending to our family of five, keeping us on our toes and doing milestones waaaay faster than I thought possible.

Like, riding bulls for example. You are a girl of many talents!!  Uncle Joe is spotting Parker as she takes this wild ride!! After Hadley's graduation we went out to eat with grandma, grandpa, joe, stacy, and ella. It was quite a good time!

For fun, we FINALLY repainted my mom's bathroom. It has been with boarder and sponge paint since 2000. With her wanting it changed since....2006 or so. I decided, when they were away on vacation to make it my project. Little did I think about having to strip the boarder, killz everything, then doing a couple of coats...all with the help of three kids. Ugh. We survived and it turned out awesome. BRIGHT orange just like grandpa wanted :)

There aren't enough words for this shot. This girl is a trip...

Gwen had to get in on the action also...

Mark and I came across a little extra money outside of our budget and decided to get our tattoos. We really didn't end up spending much at all and somehow I didn't pass out lol. He got the dates (on the left) and I got the girls names. Can't say I'm running back to get more, but it really didn't hurt as much as I thought it would. Mark however already has his next design and hoping for the extra cash sooner than not!

Lastly a BIG, BIG, BIG shout out to Mark. I am beyond proud of him and one day he will believe me when I say it. He decided to enter the Wassenburg Art competition held annually here in Van Wert. People enter from all over the area- michigan, indiana, etc. Each person entering could bring in three pieces that were evaluated by a jury and either entered into the show or "rejected." Mark got two pieces in!!!!! He didn't recieve any of the awards, but was one of the few that got more than one piece accepted. I am so proud of his work and continued ventures in wood working. He has items at a local store, now in the local art show and potentially at a holiday craft show. I am glad other people can see his talent because it really shouldn't be contained to just our house :) Even though I never get the pieces anyways. The one he is posing with is MY ring holder. Which I haven't ever gotten to use because it was at the gallery in Cincinnati now at Wassenburg. One day.

Good work babe. This also leads into his father's day/ birthday/ Christmas present which I am filling out the paperwork for as I type...he is going to a weekend workshop in Pennsylvania at David Ellsworths house. An individual class/ educational opportunity. Anyone that does wood turning knows how big of a deal David Ellsworth, the pioneer of hollow forms is. Mark is ecstatic and I am so happy to be able to budget for him to get this blessing. I fully believe one day, with his talent it will be his livelihood, once enough people see what he can do :) Love you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Was searching for a GF's blog and came across yours. Started reading and came across your post about having your two younger girls ears pierced. Assume your five year was reluctant or afraid like our 5.5 yr too. Reading this reminded me of a funny experience with our 3 girls.

We had our 3 and 2 yr dd's ears pierced at Claire's, few tears, but they looked adorable. Dh and I wanted it done. Our 5 yr was afraid because of other girls in pre-school telling her it hurt and they cried. When I took the younger girls to buy earrings, they wanted to buy some sticker earrings for their older sister since she didn't want to have her ears pierced. Talk about peer pressure! I also bought some magnetic earrings for Jill. She loved the fake earrings, but really wanted pierced ears like her younger siblings. I began seeing Jill looking in the mirror constantly. It was obvious she loved how pretty she looked even with stickers and magnetic earrings.

Finally, she confessed she wanted to wear "real" earrings like mommy and her sisters, but was afraid it would hurt. I was ready for her request. Our ped told me to offer some "magic cream" for her ears so it wouldn't hurt, but feel a pinch having them pierced. She recommended some Oragel 45 minutes ahead rubbing on the front/back of
the lobe and having them pierced at the same time.

Jill woke up the next day and wanted me to put the "magic jelly" on her ears and take her to Claire's. The nice manager at Claire's remembered her and asked if she was ready to have earrings like her sisters. Jill said yes, and I began to laugh when she chose 5 mm CZ's! Jill said SHE was the big sister and wanted to look
and wear BIG earrings like mommy (I confess loving large CZ studs in my ears). Holding them up to her ears, they didn't look too big, so I said okay. At this point, anything to finally get her ears pierced.

Well, the nice lady dotted her ears. Next, she and her assistant came over to do both ears at once and it was done in an instant! Jill grabbed the mirror out of the manager's hands and suddenly began smiling from one earring to the other. Mission accomplished!

All the girls look adorable. I knew that I had made the right decision pushing her along, but with her younger sibs and my help :)

I'd say if you would like you ODD's ears pierced, the "magic jelly" trick just might work for you also. Please let me know if this works for you too.
