Sunday, January 22, 2012


These girls continue to learn how to interact with each other. Gweny wants to do any and everything Hadley does and Hadley is learning to be more and more patient and understanding with Gweny. She will let her watch her play her game until Gwen throws a fit then Hadley will even give it to her to play. Amazing.

We really need to work on the smile as always she looks terrified...

The girls like to use my camera so I often let them take one picture. Hadley snapped this one of Pabst...

Some how they always end up beside each other whenever there is an electronic. We are getting better at taking turns and sharing. This is my Kindle Fire which has apps so they go crazy, but actually hand it back and forth when they finish the game...

Girls look at mommy, say cheese. She doesn't look too terrified here.

Painting 101 in the Goins house...always shirtless...

Gweny thinks she has to kneel or stand on her chair to get the best angle.

Hadley loves working on her letters, without me even bringing it up so that's what she does during paint time!

These were each their own color before the girls (well mostly Gweny) attacked...

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