Monday, April 28, 2008


Hadley is growing up TOOOO fast!

She now prefers to sit up and look
around, of course if involves propping,
but it sure is adorable...

Ella & Evan came in town to hang out...
how adorable is the trio...

Hadley being goofy!

Look how big Ella is getting!!!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Hadley had her two month check-up on Monday.
She weighs 11 lbs 4 oz & is 24 1/4 inches long!!
She did better than I did getting the shots,
and after a rough day she is feeling fine!!

She amazes me every single day!

Here is a cute close up during a nap...

She is such a character...

I think she has her mom's desire for
freedom, getting her started young!!

I sat her in her car seat today to cook
my lunch and next thing I know she is
OUT COLD...too funny!


Mark is soooo good with her and just look
at her face to see how she feels about her

Mark claims to "never nap" but two nights
I came into the room to see them napping!!

Busy Busy Girl!!

We have gone back home two weekends
in a row, so there are multiple pictures
of the three amigos.

I think the girls are pretty annoyed
with the star in the front!!

She is such a little personality!! How adorable
is this outfit on her!!!

Thursday, April 10, 2008


Since spring is here, we have been
blessed with beautiful flowers out
front and I couldn't resist dressing
her up and taking pictures!!


Almost eight weeks old she just keeps
surpising us every day!!! Gma Elling,
Aunt Jess, and Mae came into town this
weekend and hung out. The rest of
the pics are Hadley just being silly!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


This is the infamous Easter dress that
went to two family get togethers and
resulted in two BLOW outs, never getting
her picture taken in it, until this afternoon
while we were hanging out. Look for more pics this
weekend, we are going to take her outside where
the tulips are blooming and take some pics!!


Hadley is so full of surprises!!
Her latest thing is finding her voice,
she coo's constantly & it's a beautiful sound.
These are pictures of her posing, bless her heart.