Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Parker Update

So I went for my 37 week visit today with Dr Froehlich. A majority of you know that I have been having contractions regularly since Saturday. Last night they were so strong I even called him, seeing if maybe it was time to come in. I have a lot of anxiety about waiting too long and missing out on an epidural (the KEY to bringing Parker into the world...DRUGS!). I ended up being able to calm down the contractions (some) and got a couple hours of rest. Today I went to see him at the office for a scheduled visit. I didn't get the result I wanted (in my mind the perfect ending to the day would be that I went to the hospital to continue things because I was so dilated or he broke my water, haha). She sounds perfect, heart rate in the 160s. Measuring where she is supposed to measure. My weight is staying in the right area, up twenty-eight pounds so far :) The best news of all is that all these contractions have been productive. I am 3 cms dilated and half way thinned. Too much information I know but I am excited to be there. I also got to finalize scheduling for the induction on the 15th of this month. So TWO WEEKS AWAY! Between the contractions and my nesting I have full faith we will not be waiting two weeks to meet Parker. After my shower with my co-workers last night I am even more excited. We have so many great things for her arrival (lots of diapers, new clothes, a sweet PARKER bag, diaper cream, and lots of gift cards to continue getting needed supplies). We are so blessed and getting so anxious to smell that baby smell. Hold those little hands and feet. See what she looks like. We've had a brunette and a blonde at birth, what in the world will Parker look like, don't guess red head please, but if she is...we will still love her.

Snowy Day

It only seems appropriate that I put the pictures of our one and only snow day the girls got a chance to play in on the warmest day in January (61 degrees today?!?!?!). I picked the girls up from Holly's and they saw the snow and went CRAZY, honestly running and screaming about snow!?!?!? So we got home, piled on the layers and the girls went outside while I watched from the window :) I am of course not crazy like they are even though I have extra fat right now, not enough for that nonsense!!

Hadley is just getting too big...

Gweny just plays along because Hadley wants to be outside. Her poor nose was running like a faucet and her hands were ice but she refused to come inside as long as Hadley was outside.

The girls cracked up because they forgot how Pabst acts in the snow. He runs like a MAD man, circle after circle after circle attempting to eat the white everywhere.

So as I'm sitting inside so warm this is what I invision their conversation sounds like...
"Look sissy." Hadley
"Wow sissy, you are so cool. Are you cold?" Gweny
"No I'm not." Hadley
"Neither am I." Gweny
"Look at mom inside being silly." Hadley

Warm up time :)

 Gweny was too cold to even cuddle with Hadley and I. Miss independent about EVERYTHING!!

Sunday, January 22, 2012


These girls continue to learn how to interact with each other. Gweny wants to do any and everything Hadley does and Hadley is learning to be more and more patient and understanding with Gweny. She will let her watch her play her game until Gwen throws a fit then Hadley will even give it to her to play. Amazing.

We really need to work on the smile as always she looks terrified...

The girls like to use my camera so I often let them take one picture. Hadley snapped this one of Pabst...

Some how they always end up beside each other whenever there is an electronic. We are getting better at taking turns and sharing. This is my Kindle Fire which has apps so they go crazy, but actually hand it back and forth when they finish the game...

Girls look at mommy, say cheese. She doesn't look too terrified here.

Painting 101 in the Goins house...always shirtless...

Gweny thinks she has to kneel or stand on her chair to get the best angle.

Hadley loves working on her letters, without me even bringing it up so that's what she does during paint time!

These were each their own color before the girls (well mostly Gweny) attacked...

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Silly Girls

Everyday the girls are changing and it continues to amaze me. Hadley is becoming such a caring grown up sister, learning to comfort Gweny who has suddenly become a loud little girl who never stops talking and knows just how to whine to get what she wants- even from Hadley. The girls were having fun playing dress up when Gweny wanted something so she whined.

Love putting this girls hair up in pony tails, otherwise she tells us over and over "can't see, cannnnn't see."

Beautiful blue eyed girls, loving the camera!!

Whining to get something, I believe at this point it was to use the camera to take a picture.

I can see Hadley older in this one. It breaks my heart.

"I see it mama?"

Hadley has taken a whole new interest in Parker, as my belly gets bigger and bigger as she reminds me frequently?!?!  Hadley listens to her, well not sure what she hears besides my indigestion ha but she will just lay and listen forever, laughing everytime she moves. Her latest thing was feeling her hiccup. That sent her over the moon, she could not stop laughing about it. (At first she thought that meant she was puking because that's what Hadley called her puking the other night- once she figured out it was a real hiccup it was all funny).

Loving for Parker before bed.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Quick Visit with a Great Friend

Over the holiday break my girlfriend Jill's mother went to be with our Maker. It was not necessarily expected, at least as quick as it happened. I decided to make a two day trip down to Florida to be there for the celebration of Jane's life. I left Thursday night, Dec 29th and came back in Saturday night, New Year's Eve at 1153 PM (By the time I got my baggage it was about 1215...but best of all his mom kept the girls up to see me, we regretted it the next day but it was perfect that night). It was a short trip, but so nice to see a great friend even if the reason wasn't exactly optimal. On Friday morning and afternoon I got to attend Jane's services and be around Jill's supportive family. Friday evening we got to spend some time with Jill's husbands friends at dinner. Saturday we went to the mall and of course the beach. Eating outside with 85 degree weather on New Year's Eve was confusing for my body, but SOOOOO NICE. I continue to keep Jilly's family in our prayers as she lost her brother to a long battle with cancer this Sunday also. He is at peace and no longer suffering so this is a blessing. Somehow Jill's family says "why not us" whereas most people I know would say "why us?" They are truly inspirational people and I am BEYOND BLESSED that I get to be a part of their lives.

Great view from lunch, outside...sweating?????

Like a total Ohioan I had to wade in the water. Chloe, her daughter ended up in just a diaper because she REALLY likes water :)

Monday, January 16, 2012

Goins' Family Christmas

After a loooong weekend we wrapped up at cousin Cyndi's house celebrating with Mark's dad's family. The girls were in heaven because they were the only kids there so they just ate up the attention (Emmie and Elliott were sick). They got great books and games from the family, opening each others stuff of course.

This is happiness rite?

I don't know when it happened but Hadley stopped being a baby and is a girl now. A girl, like grown up, opinionated girl. It often breaks my heart that she can be so big already, but getting to know the new her is an ongoing adventure.

And pistol pete is just that. Gweny is such a little pistol. Into EVERYTHING...

An attempt at a family shot.

Hadley wanted to see her teeth, how bout this smile???

Gweny with her pawpaw...

Big girl pose again...

Sort of a confused look, but like that it says love in the background.

 The best family shot was taken on a cell phone of course....

Friday, January 13, 2012

Christmas Three of Four...

On Christmas Day my siblings and all the kiddos got together at Grandma and Pawpaws for present exchanges from: Grandma and Pawpaw to the kiddos, to us, from the siblings to the other siblings and from the kiddos to the kiddos. So really what I mean to say is a WHOLE LOT OF PRESENTS!!!!!!!! It was definitely fun, I think the kids stayed up until after midnite playing hard and watching Uncle Joe put together Evan's Cars leggos. It was actually quite fascinating how real they looked!!

Evan attempting to get Gwenyth to pose...

The three amigos, hanging out on the couch...

All the grandkids except for Mason.

Forcing them to sit and take group pictures before they can open any presents!!! They are all getting so big.

So close to the gifts but still have to pose...

Next pile up on Old Man...

I LOVE Mason's eyes in this picture. It's like he is looking at Old Man saying "I'm not so sure about you guy." Then Gweny is saying "hey don't you bother my pal....." So sweet these two are. She says Maccce.

Opening like a mad woman...

New nighties from Aunt Jess :)

 Working so hard on opening...

My girls are all about wearing their bed sheets on their heads. They beg to wear around their towels after baths which drives me NUTS?!?! So I found these blankets with hoods. The perfect combo. So nightly I have a dog and a princess running around :) Perfect gift Grandma.

Lastly, we decided to torture Doug, which results in black mail for Mason later in life. Pompoms and dolls!!