I don't know where we have been, but we are still around. We have tons of pictures to update which I will do tonite while Mark is at practice. I wanted to let everyone know that Hadley had her tubes put in yesterday and took it all
like the champion I know she is. They didn't get her in until 10:30 which doesn't seem like a problem except that she hadn't ate since 3 am when I got up and gave her a bottle.
She was such a trooper though, only getting sleepy and fussy right before she went back. That girl continues to amaze me every day. I went back to the induction room with her as dad just didn't want anything to do with that. To feel your little one go heavy and limp in your arms is very challenging, but she was too precious holding on to both of my hands super tight and just breathing in the gas like a pro. It was the scariest feeling yet I was utterly amazed how much she trusts me and how I can make her feel safe when I'm terrified.
The procedure was less than ten minutes total. We got back to
the recovery room about five minutes in to meet Hadley screaming at the top of her lungs "they call it emergence delirium," but the second she saw me, got her bink, and was in my arms she quieted and fell asleep. I'm calling it "I want my mommy." We were out by 11:30, as simple as that. Hadley had no clue, wasn't even phased by what happened.
She was slightly tired and of course spoiled all day long with
both mom and dad home. We can already notice her reacting to quiet noises she never heard before. She seems to be talking less loudly- I think she was yelling before, and she is making more sounds and her favorite word of the day yesterday was mama. I LOVE IT. Now to wait for her to start on the move. Pictures are coming this evening,
that is my one "to do."