So Hadley has had a rough couple of days, mom and dad as well.
Saturday we took her to the doctor because of her wheezing,
coughing, and extreme amounts of snot. They told us Bronchitis,
did a breathing treatment. Things seemed better come Sunday
except Hadley decided to not have a wet diaper, all day long.
Come Monday morning she decided to vomit and still refuse
fluids. So her and I packed up and headed to the ER, fun fun.
After two rounds of suctioning, a breathing treatment, and a
chest x-ray the conclusion was RSV and a double ear infection...
AWESOME. We were able to force pedilyte down her with a medication
syringe and avoid an IV, THANK GOODNESS. So we were discharged home
with breathing treatments, antibiotic, ear drops, and round the clock
tylenol. Fun stuff, let me tell ya. She seems to be doing better.
Sadly I am back at work because well there is only so much time.
Here is a pic I snapped on Mark's phone. She was quite a ham for all
the staff except when the suctioning and breathing treatment were happening.