Wednesday, August 13, 2008


So on Wednesday of last week Hadley decided
to do a half roll...we can't count it because
it was on the couch so I assume the angle helped

Here is the evidence.

Hadley had her six month check up last week...
Kind of early but we had to check on her ears
from the recent ear infection.
Weight: 16lbs 4oz, 26 inches and 45 cms on head circ.
She's maintaining at the 50th percentile!! Just perfect!

This weekend we participated in my cousin's first
annual golf is Mark and I before the
big tee off. I was on the only all girls team with
some of my family members...needless to say we
thought we were FANTASTIC but we of course
got the "worst team award" hahahaha!!
I tried to donate it back but it was free
golf so we had to take it. Regardless it
was a blast and we were able to raise over
$3,000 for the grief camp. So proud to be
a member of the Lauf family!

While we were at the outing Hadley decided
to officially roll over, not once but three
times and then showed us when we got home that
night. She is so darn special!!

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