So the Land Hurricane Ike tore through Ohio on
Sunday and we were fortunate enough to not have
any damage or large limbs down. We have been without
power since Sunday, however thanks to my sister-in-law
& brother we obtained a generator in time to save
our deep freeze items and enjoy a few lights in the
evenings. They say we will have power by Sunday :(
Chalk this up to another huge situation Mark and I have
endured prior to getting married. It is times like this as well
as when we found out about having Hadley that make me realize
Mark is my one and will always be. We have such a strong
connection and play into each others strengths and weaknesses.
Everyone asks if we are getting nervous as the wedding is
only two weeks away and I very calmly say not in the least
bit. Of everything going on, me pronouncing my love to
Mark seems like the easiest & most right thing to do at
present. I have a large list of family and friends that
will be there & whether everything is perfect or not, I
know it will be a day we will never forget.
I am looking forward to seeing everyone & will eventually have
pictures to post, one day!
*** For those curious ones I am not preggo yet!!?!