Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day

Another Wonderful Father's Day has come and gone in the Goins house. This picture of Hadley and Mark is from last weekend when he was in his cousin's wedding. She was away from him all day long and when she finally saw him, she was excited! This is a typical Mark and Hadley moment, she is mesmorized by him and he just glows allowing her to learn, touch, or question everything.

If Hadley could talk I feel like she would say this to her Dada...

Delightful and loving,
Loved and admired,
Dad, you're my hero,
My life you've inspired. And when all my blessings
Are counted each day,
I thank God in heaven
For Dad when I pray. Dad thanks for your presence
Throughout thick and thin;
You're more than a parent,
You're my wonderful friend.
By Ken Brown

So many things around our house have changed in the past few weeks. Here is a little tour. In the bathroom Hadley only wants to stand in the bath. This was a rare moment when I caught her just playing in the tub. Poor Mark ends of soaked because she climbs up to him everytime she is soaked!

Next comes these MONSTROUS teeth. These things are intense, and with their arrival we have some crankiness (very manageable), her learning to bite her food, and CONTINUOUS drooling. Even though Aunt Stacy asked "oh, where's the middle one," we find them to be ridiculously cute!!

Next is her new demeanor. The girl is so playful, shy, and curious. This is her being shy...

She also cracks her self up, kind of like me ha!

Next comes her obsession with shoes. The girl NEVER liked shoes, and to prove me wrong, she is now fixated. She ALWAYS wants her sandals on and tries on shoes any time she sees them.

Lastly, Hadley is learning to cruise (FINALLY!!!!!!). She always wants to be standing, loves being walked around, and has learned to pull herself to standing.

This has all happened in a matter of weeks...blessed weeks!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She is so darn cute!! It's crazy to watch how fast she is changing. I can't wait to meet the new little one!!