Monday, November 8, 2010

First Trick or Treat

Because everything is weird and different back home, we had an early trick or treat at the campground. We had to bribe Hadley to get ready for it because I woke her up in the middle of a MUCH needed nap. She is obsessed with Horseys because of the Merry-go-round at the luckily my co-worker had a horsey costume for us to borrow. TOOOOOO sweet. Yes, she is eating a brownie....we had to BRIBE her.

So we left my parents house with this costume on was over 90 degrees outside.

Mae was a butterfly, a beautiful butterfly.

Being a big helper, she wanted so badly to get Gweny around as Foofa....

This was the outfit we settled on, a princess. A princess who had never really trick or treated and like always could NOT focus. Getting behind non-stop.

Hadley decided to help her self to the baskets. Too sweet and sometimes was just not enough for the princess...

The heat got to the girls. Not even an hour later and everyone was in the wagon completely exhausted...or costume-less (Gweny)

My Godson, Mason, was a future Buckeye football player that slept through the entire experience!

My other Godson, Evan, or Woody was cheeked and TIRED!!!

I forced the kids for a group shot...Luigi is Stacy's nephew, Corbin.

Then I attempted to get Gweny in the shot which didn't really work because she had no ability to focus- seems to be a theme for my children :)

Overall it was a great day, trick or treating in the heat is definitely different.

1 comment:

Diana Lesjak said...

What fun!! Hadley is a pretty princess!! And princesses do not need to focus, they rule their own little worlds!! Say hello to Mark for me... I love reading your blog miss Jackie!