Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Baby, oh baby.

As I enter my 30th week with Gweny I have so many different emotions than I did with Hadley. The fear with Hadley was labor, wondering if I would know what to do with her or even if I could be a good mom. With Gweny it is so different. My biggest worry is having enough love for Hadley who gets every second of my time and still giving love and time to Gweny. Mark and I want to take a picture a day of Gweny like we basically did with Hadley, but I know it will be difficult. We will be tied (whereas before it was him and I both for Hadley), one for each of us and I know times are going to be frustrating. Hadley is going to be on the verge of her terrible twos right when Gweny joins us. Then there is moving Hadley to a new room, her beginning to walk (late I know?!?!), potty training, getting rid of the bink- all while adjusting to a new little sister. I know we will get through it just like we got through the surprise of Hadley. I keep reminding myself that I don't have grad school nor a wedding to deal with this time around so that should decrease my stress dramatically. Another stress reliever was a positive test result we got this past week. For those of you that were aware, I failed my one hour glucose challenge and had to go for the three hour test. If you know me you know I do NOT do needle sticks. Just my luck it took five sticks to get four blood draws. MOST importantly the test came back negative so the worry of dealing with gestational diabetes is gone : ) Lots of worrying and praying, with everything working out. Enough being sentimental, look for more pictures tomorrow...


Diana Lesjak said...

I had the same feelings when Bridget was born... how would I love anyone as much as I loved Beckie...Its an amazing thing, the mothers heart! You will find yourself in love all over again! Its love that grows like a wildfire, spreads EVENLY, over every child you conceive, no matter how many!! You will do a great job! You and Mark will share the load and you both will be so enthralled with Gweny that the picture taking will come easy!! I can't wait to see more of Hadley~ then with Hadley and her sister!!

Bridget and Cyle said...

Oh Jax! You're a great Mommy!! You two will handle everything just fine. You always do. I can't wait to meet her! We need to plan some visits to come see you guys! If there's ever anything you need, don't hesitate to call me! :-)