Friday, March 12, 2010


So on Hadley's actually birthday, my parents drove in specifically to sing her happy birthday, watch her eat cake, give her a present and hit the road my kids are so blessed : )
Mom and dad had a safe trip and even took the time to get a cake (since we were all sick that week it didn't even cross my mind to have one at the house). We were all singing happy birthday to Hadley with the candles thing we know she GRABBED THE CANDLE, resulting in a blister on her poor little finger and a new fear of birthday cakes and candles...WHOOPS!! If & when I figure out my video camera I will post the video as it is perfect for America's Funniest Home Videos...

Now, on to the REALLY serious matter. My little lady is two years old. TWO YEARS?? How is that really possible? Just yesterday we drove her home from the hospital in the snow going about 45 mph panicking that they actually let us leave, and now two years later she is a healthy toddler. A toddler that is soaking up information like a sponge. Learning SO MANY new things everyday. Her latest is "whats' up?" No clue where that came from...but I do enjoy it. She's such a little challenge, learning to just push the envelope with EVERYTHING- playing (laying) on sissy, climbing on the table, or pulling Pabst's hair. Often I say "terrible two's is just a phase." RIGHT???????????????? Granted she's into everything now, but we are so glad with the progress she has made over the past year, going from 6 months behind with her gross motor skills to being right where she's supposed to be- such a relief!!

Hadley likes to help sissy out with tummy time, they are TOO funny...

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