Sunday, January 27, 2013

Camera Cord

So living between two houses has caused me to LOSE and LEAVE things at the wrong place. It is chaos?!?! So finally. I have my camera, my camera cord, and my laptop in one place?!?!
Finally time to recap December :)
I picked up a kit to make a rice krispie train for the holidays and of course decided Grandma and Grandpa could start a tradition...
Gwen is focusing very hard...

Mason working hard... 

Grandma giving a helping hand

Mason caught in the act...snacking on the decorations. He's give us this face then you would hear CRUNCH, CRUNCH, snickering, and smiles...

Mom, I'm done. Stop!!

Mae posing.

Mark's handy work of adding Santa to their design...

We don't want to pose any more, but okay. Check out that train :)

On Mark's birthday Parker got her tubes put in...finally after 6 ear infections and just too many doctors visits and nonresolving infections. Plus, we've seen how much they help with Hads and Gwen so knew that we wanted her to get the same relief!!

She didn't go in until 11 so had to be without a bottle since five. Poor thing. She did well actually.

There's the silly Parker crinkle face...

Man do I love this girl. I love all my girls, but of late I've gotten to bond with Parker quite a bit, between tubes, hospitalization, and flu I've gotten a lot of one on one time that I worried about not getting with number three. There are always little moments that you can sneak away and get sucked into Parker land. She has this new found sassy girl mode which I fully blame on her hospitalization, but adore it. She is cruising around furniture and started standing without holding on this weekend. I had her walking around just holding onto one hand tonight and Hadley and Parker kept screaming "she's walking?!?! MOMMY SHE'S WALKING!!!"

This is Hadley's annoyed face. I'm going to say that it's because she was so mad about having the flu...even though that happened a month later, but this face is becoming normal with her lately. Something about almost five is equal to attitude...attitude...and attitude.

Parker enjoying dinner as a family a Frickers. We only get Friday and Saturday night as a whole so we don't want to waste time cooking...okay I don't want to waste time cooking!!

Parker has a fan. My co-worker, Julie's daughter, Anna is quite possible in love with Parker. Talking about her constantly, taking her pictures to school, buying her snacks, paci's, hair things. She is too precious about it. When we visit with them Parker is not put down one time. She had to put this hat on her...Parker loved it but this was the only picture I snapped.

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