Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Christmas Eve, Eve

As is becoming a tradition, we got together with mark's family the night before Christmas Eve to do our family exchange. The girls love getting dressed up for parties so I forced them to take a few pictures before we left.

They are all getting way too big, way too fast. It breaks my heart how fast it's happening.

We got out the bouncer out for Parker who just LOVED it and Hadley couldn't stop pushing her.

Parker hanging out with Emmie, taking all the fun in!


Hadley is sassy and full of spunk but I absolutely adore her confidence. The girl does not shy away from a crowd, a new group, or a camera.

Gwen taking time with her Uncle Jiptz

My oldest girls checking out the squirrels.

Hadley loving on her new things from Grandma BeBe

Parker's at the fun age where she likes the wrapping more than what's inside!

Oh my Gweny, still in her shy stage where she doesn't want to pose or enter to a new group. Once she warms up though, she has the ability to melt any heart.

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