Thursday, October 21, 2010

Choo-choo, Ding-ding

That's how Hadley described our train ride in Lebanon that went to a local pumpkin patch that was on a farm with animals for the kids to pet. Out of no where my girlfriend, Kelly, said she wanted to go and she would help with the girlies!!! It was a chilly morning so the girls were bundled up, boarded and ready to go!!!

So curious about what's to come!

Gweny, well she was clueless but sure is cute!

It was chilly so I tried the hat, it lasted about a minute!

Kelly is so darn good with kids. She took Hadley out to the open car which was pretty cool.

Gweny liked the wind.

This is my one and only attempt at a group shot. The girls just never cooperate...

Hadley was watching the scenary with another girl who just became a big sister a few weeks ago.

Because they saw suckers like us coming a mile away they had popcorn on the train so of course, we had popcorn :)

After the 45 minute ride we arrived at the farm. Hadley was beside herself. Barely ever standing still...I love this shot.

She is seconds away from a complete freak out as one almost licks her!!!!

A group shot....cows and all!

He's moving in for the kill....

And no more cow pictures because we were OUTTA there!

Next were the roosters. The cows shook Hadley up so Kelly had to take her up to them.

The donkey's were nuts for food.....

The goats were the perfect size.

And surprisingly Hadley couldn't get enough of the horsey. I wanted this next shot sooo bad but that was not what Gweny had in mind....MELT DOWN city.

They had tons of pumpkins lined up around their home....Hadley was in heaven.

It's like where's waldo with Hadley and Gweny

It was like they set up photo shots for us!!

She's growing up right in front of me, but when did she get this big? Did I turn away, no I was along her side for the past two and a half years but now there's a talking, walking, smart toddler.

Always so curious...

Kelly taking a good shot with Gweny...

Attempting to recreate the posed picture of Hadley's...without success

I can't wait till we get out of the "I hate grass phase."

Always in their own worlds.

Per Hadley's request she got a pumpkin cookie. The black dye they use to stamp the face on resulted in QUITE a mess!!

After two hours at the farm, we picked out our pumpkin then boarded the train again!

To say my children are worn out at this point it an understatement.

Hadley slept the whole way home then decided to stay awake?!??!?! Gweny took a three hour nap. This was such a fun littl trip for the girlies, already thinking about doing it again for a NEW adventure.....maybe curious george this summer!!!!!!!!!

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