Sunday, March 13, 2011

Combo Party

Since Mae and Hadley were born all of like 17 hours apart we force them to share their celebrations, mean mean parents we are. We kept it small this year with only family for dinner. Old Man, Grandma Lucy, Trina, Lisa, Emma, Ryan, and Grandma Cathy all made it in addition to the immediate family. Once again the girls were spoiled to no end- lots of crafts, learning books, play doh, nighties, rain boots, leapster games, and money for other things also- why weren't birthdays that loaded for me?!?! Continuing in true Mark fashion, here is the castle cake he made for the girlies...

Hadley continues to be traumatized since her candle incident at her second birthday, even at other kids' parties she gets scared. Somehow we were able to light them on Macayla's side but none for my Hadlebear...

Like a Christmas re-run, feverishly opening presents. This picture is also funny because look at Ella hanging out on Old Man's lap?!?!?!

We never really know what Uncle Doug is doing....

Play doh and musical cards, overwhelmed...
Gweny got a front row seat with Great Grandma Lucy for the opening...

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