Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Finger Paint Extravaganza!

So with Hadley's extra birthday money I was crazy enough to get her MORE crafts. This girl absolutely loves little projects and crafts and is so good at them in the SHORT period of time we get to do them (gweny's nap and early bed times). It's imposible to do with Gwenyth around and I keep reminding myself in one short year they will both be able to do them together :) This was a planned fingerpainting session (right before bathtime)

Of course, Hadley LOVED IT and was really good at painting on blank paper as well as a coloring book. There is some paint on Hadley but nothing like her sister...

She is so grown up, look at those hands...they used to fit all in my palm :(

Now to the other Van Gogh in our house. Look at how dirty the hand is, but you haven't seen anything yet...

First thing out the gait she tries to eat it (hence the blue mouth), then decides it is SO MUCH more fun to paint her body rather than the paper....

Initially her belly, then her leg. Like I said, this was right before bathtime :)


Diana Lesjak said...

Fun! Try painting with some fruit next time... also very fun! It's nice that Hadley has the special time with you~ Gweny is just so adorable! She is a clever one~ painting herself!

Bridget and Cyle said...

wow! Looks like your Gwen inherited mama's big feet! Ha! We miss those girls!!

Rebecca said...

What precious little artists!!!!