Tuesday, August 21, 2012

So Much In Such a Short TIME?!?!

I'm not sure how I have survived the last month. Literally. We are trying to conquer the world and I wonder how I can keep up at this pace. Thank goodness for silver cans of mommy pop and great friends and family to listen to me stress. We have hit a TON of milestones...

Gweny is attempting to get into big girl panties. We are by no means perfect, but there is improvement. She has a classic line, "It's not working" when she doesn't have to go then...."Moooommmmy it's working" as she runs to the potty!!

Parker got her two bottom teeth, and an ear infection, but handled it like a little champion.

She's trying to think about sleeping through the night. Periodically, I could definitely get used to it however never plan on it because she's a tricky little lady. With her increase in Zantac we have definitely noticed a difference with her sleep patterns.

Parker turned six months old already?!?!

Gweny got pin worm. Seriously. Look it up, need I say more?!?! We all got wormed at our house,
 we survived. It was disgusting.

But how cute was this gown?

My baby started "school," thanks to an awesome groupon purchase. She goes to Youthland Academy five days a week, full time. I was beyond stressed about what we were going to do with Hadley because I knew she was bored with in home daycare and needed SOMETHING more. Around here no transportation is provided and most preschools were half days. After much stress we stumbled into the perfect place and Hadley is on day two and SO happy there. This was her picture before we left Monday. She was nervous.

Loving on her sissy, Gwen, before she goes. Gwen of course was A WRECK. "I wanna go school," over and over and over.

We get updates throughout the day from her teacher, Ms Holly (what a great name right?!?!)

Loving the busy work and crafting. This is all too perfect for my baby girl.

 Because nothing else is going on in our lives,
we decided to get a puppy. Her name is Gracie.
She is in a rescue in Bluffton and we can get her on Sept 22nd to add to our family :)
We have to wait because they have to get all three
rounds of shots and spayed before they will release
her which is fine because that's what the adoption fee covers. Gracie is TOOOOOOO sweet!

Oh, and of course we are attempting to close on this beautiful house. Something always comes up and I feel like my brain is going to explode. Luckily the current owners, Troy and Karen are so sweet and flexible with us surrounding all these issues. By the end of August this will be our home. Next it's finding a job, but I have full faith that will happen how it is supposed to because this is His plan.

Welcome to our world :)

1 comment:

Diana Lesjak said...

Yikes... that is a lot going on! Gracie kinda looks like Ringo! I love the "it's working" thing you have going on there! I hope Hadley ends up in school with Cayden!