Sunday, August 26, 2012

Whirl Wind Weekend

The weekend Grandma Lucy passed, we had a shining light amongst the sadness. My cousin Kara got married. So we all got dolled up and went to play with our cousins, party the night away if you will. The kiddos had a BLAST and the adults had a lot of fun themselves :)
Of course, because we wanted to take pictures, Gwenyth had a sassy girl.

Mark thinks its so funny to snap pictures of me when I'm not paying attention, but look at Parker grabbing sissy's hand :)

My new favorite family shot, all three children with their eyes open...                  

Partying it up so much she passed out on the table.

The cousins lined up watching the first dance...

So on Sunday evening we had Grandma Lucy's viewing and afterwards some of the family went to hang out at Grandma's house. Just to be together. Well somehow my child ended up in my high heels and look very closely at those lips...
Yes that would be hot pink lipstick of Grandma Lucy's which I never once saw her wear so I have no clue how they found it, but they sure did and thought they were so pretty. So after yelling at them I took a picture :)

Hadley did much better with her application then Gweny did....

It was a moment that lightened the tough weekend, and I GUARANTEE Grandma Lucy and Grandpa Hank were looking down, laughing as hard as could be because it was precious even though they know better than to play in make up that isn't theirs.

These girls are such a duo and I get more and more excited at the idea of Parker joining them in their adventures. She is sitting up fairly well and scooting during tummy time. I worry it won't be long and we will have ourselves a mover...

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