Tuesday, March 19, 2013


February is such a fun month in our house for birthdays. The weekend of their birthday party,  happened to be the week of chaos for us. I had just started my new job, was in training in Cleveland and was attempting to get a new vehicle for my lovely commute. So needless to say I was frazzled, the worst hostess, and late to my own baby girls party!?!?! They didn't notice. Specially Parker, she was just excited to be held by all her favorite people :) Hadley was loving bowling, her cake and seeing all her friends in one place!!!! Oh yeah, and of course the absurd amount of presents they both got. Pizza was served while everyone bowled, Parker didn't eat much, I think she noticed the cake and was waiting!!!

Look at this thing?!?!?! Aunt JuJu- Macayla's aunt, also known as Doug's sister Julie always takes care of the cake. Well this year she spared no expense. LOOK AT THIS THING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unfortunately, she really didn't figure out it was also Parker's first birthday until later that night when everyone asked why she had some cake up front with everyone. Oh goodness!!!!!

I LOVE THIS SMILE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What is this thing on my head mom????

The excitement on their face makes all the chaos, crowds and planning worth it. And look at that table full of goodies behind them?! Spoiled and very loved babies we have!

I'm shy, because I just realized everyone is staring at me and I dn't know what to do now...

Yey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Even though I didn't blow out a candle I'm pretty excited to go at this cake...

Slowly and methodically...

This is the blue frosting near comatose face...

Absolutely framable....needless to say she enjoyed her party.

Thanks to all the friends and family that made it to the party. Some traveled super far, some drove around the corner, but all were so much appreciated and loved by my kiddos!!!!!!!!! Wish it were easier for the mama socialize at these silly things, it's like the party is about the kids and not me??

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