Sunday, March 3, 2013


I cannot believe how much has changed for our family in the last thirty days. It really is unbelievable. Me and the girlies made the final move home the weekend of February 9th. Hadley started her new school, Thomas Edison on the 12th. Of course completely fearless. Getting on a bus for the first time, going to a new place, and doing so without mom or dad around. I had orientation in Cleveland so couldn't be there and Mark was still working in Findlay so was gone from 5a-4p.
Of course Aunt Jess, Grandma and Ms Pat were all there to support her and send me pix!

Just going for it, not even looking back. SOOOO proud of this girl.

We've had the great fortune of starting to get Parker's hospital bills. Seriously. I don't know how people do it that have chronic medical issues or hospitalization. You are reading it right. $22,494.53 that's the hospitalizations and surgery. INSANE!

Hadley and Parker celebrated birthdays!!!!!!!! Hadley is five. Where do I even begin. I just found out we were expecting her like yesterday, so it feels. She was our first everything when it comes to parenthood. The transition has caused her to have some behavior issues, but overall she really is finding herself. Helping me more than ever. Now, if she will just STOP bothering Parker. I'd be happy. She is loving being near her cousins, riding the school bus, planning to start swim lessons. They still struggle with not being able to see Grandma Bebe, Miss Holly, or pizza night on Wednesdays with pawpaw, Aunt Mandie and Uncle Jiptz. Once we are settled all the way they will see them on the weekends. We just need a LITTLE consistancy in our lives.

Parker experienced a sucker for the first time which was a HUGE mess. She also turned one, which is so crazy. She's only been in the Goins' pack for a year. Feels like forever. In her first year she definitely gave us a run for our money. Between the colic, ear infections, hospitalization. She has definitely made her presence in our family known.

We got a new car. Which had this many miles in it's first week....
It's a Dodge Dart, so far I like it. I'll like it more when it gets 40 mpg but all in due time...

I spend my "Freetime" arranging/ unpacking. This is the girls' playroom in the basement. Seriously. Ask me again what my kids need. They are so stinking spoiled it hurts...

I've been spending extra time with Parker as always, as she takes on a stomach bug. Puking and pooping on me regularly throughout the evenings/nights. All the while I can never been mad at her. This face is too much...

Mark and I worked on our garage last week...we can actually fit the car and that is the last place that really needs unpacked. I love this pic. I'm arriving home from my hour and forty minute commute just so happy to open that garage door and hear the kiddos yell MOMMMMMMY!!!

Love sharing my savings. I seriously cannot get enough of meijer. I only spent $140 and saved $52. I'm not even a huge coupon person either...


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA just kidding. Check the date. That is from Parker but I thought it'd be funny to see if people pay attention.


Diana Lesjak said...

You know they, who ever THEY are, say NEW HOUSE, NEW BABY... I fell for it! Three is a magic number~

Bridget and Cyle said...

I was gonna KILL you when I saw that! About called ya before even reading the rest! :-)