Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Quick Peek

Just wanted to give everyone a quick peek into our lives haha!! The chaos that we call life! We made a trip home this weekend that was packed with events, I remembered to take the camera, however did not get it out ONE time- no clue what was wrong with me. So I will remember it this weekend on our return trip for my hair cut!!!!!! Yey!

To acquaint the girls I always ask Hadley to lay with sis during diaper time. She has started to grab her hands and just hold them. It's absolutely precious!

Cute shots after bath time!

The mohawk is just pure fuzz after a bath!


Diana Lesjak said...

Her hair is adorable. I can't wait to meet her in person. Isn't is hard having 2 little ones? The next one won't affect you at all, nor will the 4th!!! People would say aren't 4 hard... only part hard was having the second one. Not that Bridget was a bad baby, or Beckie a bad toddler... just hard to spend time with each one I guess, the way you had time before with one baby! Just a thought!! They are precious together! Have a good week!!

Bridget and Cyle said...

Oh I just love your babies!! Can't wait to meet Gweny this weekend!! Pictures are so stinkin cute!