Wednesday, October 21, 2009


We are so blessed in this household. It has been a crazy week. Hadley's on going sickness finally led us to the doctor who decided to give us an antibiotic, I'm not sure if it was how sad and worn out we looked or what?!?! She has had this silly congestion and then fever, then cough that keeps her up at night. So two days in on the antibiotic and my old Hadley is returning to me?!?!!! While we were at the doctors office I snuck back and put Gweny on the scales and HOLY COW?!?!?! She is up to 11 pounds, 11 ounces (just 9lbs 13 ozs two weeks ago). She really is a GROWING GIRL! I have her at every three hours for feedings believe it or not. As far as nights go we are still learning how to go back to sleep. We have had a few four hour stretches (okay like two since last week). My loving husband finally talked me into attempting a formula feed at night with the idea of filling her little tummy and me going to bed right after Hadley...well I don't want to ruin my luck but we had a 4 1/2 hour stretch on Monday then last night she went from 1130-530...SOOOO PROUD. I was in total shock and for anyone that breastfeeds you also know I woke up in total pain but a pain that is bittersweet!! We are starting to get things undercontrol a little in this house. One blessed day at a time right!!

So here is Hadley's Halloween costume...which is said "hallllowEEEEEE" or "trik,trik,er tret" For those of you wondering, she is Foofa, a character of Yo Gabba Gabba the girls ALL time favorite show.

This is what happens when you say Yo Gabba Gabba, look at that face!!

I attempted to take pictures of the girls with all the Halloween stuff Aunt Debbie got them, however Hadley refused to sit still so this is her shot with her Hello Kitty shirt.

Gweny was easier to capture!

Hadley being sick and refusing bed time with sis who just doesn't sleep anyways!

Gweny is just too cute...

I love kids clothes. This was one of her Halloween treats, isn't it precious?

Lastly, my husband. He has been too sweet of late. Helping as much as he can with the house, meals, allowing me to have nap times. In all the whirl wind of Gweny I forgot to mention anything about our one year anniversary. A year already?! What a great year with a great man and a wonderful family. I can't wait for many more to come love!


Joe Stacy Elling said...

How cute....she's a pumpkin butt!! Love Hadley's costume. I think I zoned out there for a minute. :) Take care of those babies and you guys too!! You can sleep when....well I don't really know when you'll ever get to sleep again! Enjoy. Love you guys!

Diana Lesjak said...

Happy Anniversary!! You are Blessed... all of you!

Anonymous said...

Your family is too darn cute!!