Monday, October 26, 2009

Busy Week

This past week was jam packed!! I had my check up last Wednesday and everything is just fine. The doctor was beyond amazed that Gweny still had her hair and of course how BIG she was!!! That night, Mark's mom offered to take the girls overnight- I warned her that she was crazy but a full nights sleep...really?!?! So Mark and I went bowling and had a blast, once I stopped worrying about the girls. I have been so couped up in my little world that I forgot how to function in public without my babies, but no worries I eventually remembered! I slept from 10pm to 8am minus a few pump breaks, but it was HEAVENLY!!! Thank God for loving, helpful family members! Thursday was a busy day too. Grandpa Goins came over for pizza night, then a big surprise was that Grandpa and Grandma Elling came in town with Mae-mae!!! Hadley was in shock and got so excited. It was such a blessing that they came. Hadley and Mae had the time of their lives, staying up late, sleeping in and playing like maniacs ALL day!! With Mom and Dad's help we got some major stuff done in our house- our garage is now functional again, the basement is organized, Mark has an art room in the basement, the back room is open (NO MORE GATE!!), and the back bedroom is ready for the Hadley transition- when I'm brave enough. All in two days, it was amazing!!! The pics are of course from the weekend...

Grandpa spoiling the girls, he is so darn good with them...

Grandma spoiling the newest grandbaby

Isn't this shirt too much? My co-worker gave it to me and Gweny's face just says it all!

Hadley's big girl room- yes those are spongebob stickers all over her walls!! The sheets are soon to be Yo Gabba Gabba or as Hadley says "gabgab."

These two entertained each other all weekend, it was amazing...

Hadley being cute...

Lastly, a preview of the matching Halloween outfits that will be posted later in the week. I just couldn't resist. This picture amazes me in that Hadley and Gweny have both gotten so big in the past month and a half. They have both adjusted to so many things, like life for Gweny and having another sibling to contend with for Hadley. I love that those are my babies and will always be babies in my eyes...

As for Gweny and sleep, we are still a work in progress. She has had a few 4-5 hour periods at night but then some night she's right back to every 3 hours or worse yet...refusing bed. I know it will get better or I'll just not remember a way of life before (one that consisted of sleep ya know?). Difficult nights are part of the package that is God's blessing...

1 comment:

Bridget and Cyle said...

Oh my gosh! They both are getting so so big!! Looking forward to catching up next weekend! We'll plan! :-)