Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Brief Glimpse

It's been a big week in the Goins' Household. Hadley has started to tell us, periodically when she needs to go potty. She has done two number one's and a number two, but I'm not keeping my fingers crossed, I think it was completely random. Also, we have taken Hadley's uh-oh (pacifier) away except for nap times and "nigh-night." I figured I will deal with her fussy and eventually sleepless while I am already there with Gweny, not after I finally get Gweny there.

As far as Gweny goes, we have made it to three hours between feedings in the day, it is a struggle sometimes but for a day and a half we have been there. IF ONLY she could get there at night. I have faith. She is only 5 1/2 weeks old I can't expect too much. She has gotten better at going to sleep after she eats (instead of staying awake for 1-2 hours after feeding). Luckily Hadley loves going to her sitter and I can get some rest during the day in order to be there for everyone in the evenings. Here are some of the pictures taken at mom and dad's last weekend- too cute.

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