Friday, May 4, 2012

Part Two

So I'm super reflective today as my last full week of maternity leave winds down. I have so many emotions as usual. Part of me is so ready to get back and then part of me is devestated it's already over. As most of you close to us know, nothing major was accomplished this maternity leave. Well rephrase...I didn't complete any big projects like I had wanted to. A major thing was obviously completed, we made our family whole by bringing Parker to join us. That of course being the most important thing :) We also got to see so many transitions in our house. The older girls learning the rules around Parker, showing her off to their friends and family, and developing into the big sisters we knew they could be. Little miss Hadley is so protective of hr sister Parker, always near her side making sure she is safe, trying to calm her when she is crying, and wanting to hold her. Gwenyth took the role as big sister on slowly. Not so sure at first, fairly indifferent about this little lady taking her spot light. We got through the acting out and tantrums, and now have a good big sister that wants to always know where she is. Throughout this leave Gwenyth has undergone additional changes, losing her pacifier and beginning to potty train. All huge milestones for any kiddo especially one dealing with a new family member.  None of it is easy but we are learning to deal with the changes that come with these big girl things.

We've survived more illness and trials in twelve weeks than I could have ever imagined. We learned to rely on each other and on our family to help us get through the tough times. Most important, we have learned the tempermant and ways of our little miss Parker. She came out an angel. The perfect newborn that was beautiful, only cried when hungry which was every three hours like clock work. Then we started to see her stubborn side, not interested in breastfeeding, but that bottle sure went down just fine. Then about three weeks in colic hit. Three hours a night colic which resulted in Mark and I having to adapt. Trying lavendar rubs, gripe water, nightly baths. We tried it all. We are down to about an hour of fussiness in the evening with Parker which seems beyond managable after dealing with three hours!! Now we are getting to really know her personality with coos and smiles galore.  We love the feeling we have now of completion since she is here. It's really neat to know that infancy and pregnancy are now a part of our past. I'm already packing up all newborn things and breastpump items, ready to get them out of here :)
Parker is getting too big too fast. I had planned to not hold her this last week in hopes to make her sitters day easier but that definitely hasn't happened. I've made a point to take those naps with her laying on my chest (things I didn't get to do with all the mastitis issues), and
 hold her for as long as I can :)

More great pictures from Stacy...

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

This whole photo shoot is gorgeous!! It should be featured in a magazine somewhere :)