Sunday, September 16, 2012

Six month pix @ Seven months?!

Now that Parker realizes she can move pictures aren't quite as easy. At her six month shots she was just starting to sit up, but not at seven months thats no problem for her. Nows shes thinking about getting to sitting from laying????!!!! Already!! She has also officially said moooom. One brief incident but Mark witnessed it also so I'm not making it up. We've had yet another ear infection, which let me know she now weighs 17 lbs 9 big girl who likes her food :) I'm soaking in all the lasts knowing I wn't have a non-mobile baby again, but I also look forward to her playing along with her sisters. As soon as she grows out of stuff we are packing it up an moving it out, it's kind of nice not to store all those things anymore!!!!!!!
Enjoy Parkie as we tend to call her...

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