Friday, May 10, 2013

My Husbands Wood

Yeah, I caught your attention with that title didn't I???? Anyways, my husband really never ceases to amaze me with his skills. He acquired a ton of walnut from a local friend and has gone crazy. Most of the pieces here were done in one sitting (so an evening or weekend afternoon), and they are absolutely gorgeous....

He said, well I saw a guy burn his pieces...thought it looked cool. Then did it. It does look cool.

This last bowl has been in our house for a long, long time. Rough and unfinished. He did it years ago and never really took out much from the middle or shined it up. Well now with his new space he has decided to clean it up. It's so gorgeous, a huge piece of bural (spelling is probably wrong but it's the part with awesome patterns in the wood!!!!). I'm sure it'll be in a a show or sold. Lord knows it will no longer be a staple in our house....


our backyard homestead said...

very talented! love the bowl with the bark edges :)

Roxi's Reasons... said...

It's fun to read about your family and all the growing going on. I'm a friend of Diana and Bri's. Love the wooden bowls - such talent !