Thursday, November 5, 2009

Daily Life

I think both of my children have grown leaps and bounds in the past two weeks. Hadley has just soaked up all information she can. Whether it's names, colors, facial labels, anything. She is also pulling through as a GREAT big sister. Bringing me her burp rags, blankets, putting her "uh-oh" in when she crys- less eye poking too!! She helps during bath time, handing us the necessary items and attempting to scrub her hair. Gweny has continued to be a perfect baby during the day, long naps- little fussing, but a night switches to a little terror!!! She's not THAT bad, but continues to struggle with sleeping. We have officially kicked Mark out of the room so she can sleep either in the boppy in bed or just in bed (hoping to be able to get her used to life without the blasted boppy) however we've continued the every 2-3 hour trend remaining awake usually at the 2 or 3 AM feeding for about 1-2 hours after?!?!?! In desperation I put her in her swing over night last night and had success...can we do 1130-630 two nights in a row?? I will keep you posted! With these late nights and precious days, Gweny has REALLY found her voice. In addition to baby cooing she sings and almost yells, it is AWESOME!! In addition to the sleep chaos, she has not stopped GROWING!!! She has officially moved on to 3-6 month clothes (all at 7 1/2 weeks!). Her 2 month check up is on Monday, and if she continues with her usual trends she will probably weigh in over thirteen pounds (Hadley's weight at 4 months?!?!?!). How can these babies be so different????????

Even with our nightly chaos, we have attempted to make sure we get pictures of Gweny. I see the one with her and Mark and flash to a previous picture with him and Hadley. It is frightening how much Gweny is beginning to look like her big I thought I was gonna get a little input on this one!!

1 comment:

Bridget and Cyle said...

Yep...sorry Jax. You had this one for a few weeks, but I'd agree she's looknig more and more like Hadley (and in turn, Mark) in every new picture I see!