Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Growing Up

Where do I even begin? My baby girls are getting to BIG. Hadley has moved into her toddler bed without blinking an eye. It's harder for mom then her. She doesn't even get out and wonder around. We have gone four nights and multiple naps and she has handled it like a champ. Mom on the other hand was a nervous, anxious wreck. So worried. Hadley has also decided to give potty training a whirl. Out of no where asked to go potty so we took her and she peed and has done it four other times since last night. How can she be getting so big. The number of things she is doing- throwing away diapers, helping with sis (bringing blankets, burp rags, binkies). She's talking more than ever and can play with her imagination more- like making dolls dance or covering up her babies, it's beyond precious.

On to her sister. She's had her moments. We've been able to stretch her feedings to every four hours, giving me what feels like HOURS of freedom. With my parents help the weekend of the Buckeye Bash, I got some sleep. Mom and dad stayed up with her both Friday and Saturday night and we learned another Gweny trick...she has to be swaddled. Those crazy arms wake her ALL the time. So she's had some hit or miss nights (ranging 3-6 hour stretches). She has moved into Hadley's crib and it's such an emotional issue for mommy. She seems so lonely in that big old room. We had visitors on Veteran's Day, chilled with some co-workers, put up Christmas decorations, playdates with cousins, and tried to adjust to these growing girls!?!?! We are geniunely blessed!

1 comment:

Bridget and Cyle said...

Adorable!! I miss you girls!! (and boy!) :-)