Thursday, May 26, 2011

Easter Egg Dying

I took off a day before Easter and headed to my parents for a long weekend. Bravely I tackled egg dying with the two by myself (pictures and recording?!) and of course planned shower time immediately following the fun!!

It started out sweet and innocent, everyone doing well...

Then Gweny decided to go crazy...

Spilling the dye and cracking the eggs into the bottom of the dish. All the while having fun :)

In the end Gweny and I had the dirtiest hands.

That would be an H and a flower for my Hadlebear.

This is a cracked egg which resulted in egg salad for lunch. Gweny is such a nut.

A G with a heart for Gweny-loo-loo

After our bath we headed in to visit Great Grandma Lucy

Instead of spending time with Grandma Lucy Gweny just kept playing with her animated toys

Mom's family came over on Saturday night. This is our second cousin Nola she's like 9 or 10 months. Gweny could not stop trying to take her hat off.

Gweny is so excited to find dandelions...

Gweny with our cousin Jamie

Hanging out with my little man, Mason....he continues to get SOOOO BIG

Attempting a pose.

The restaurant in Grandma's toy room was open :)

His shoe came off so Gweny was trying to help him put it on.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

The eggs are precious - it's a shame you can't save them forever - ha ha.