Monday, February 27, 2012

Newborn Pics

We had them take Parker's pictures at the hospital. They turned out perfectly. We have the cd for anyone that would like a print (if you can't just pull them from here and print them). Also we have them all in black and white plus there are two more that I can't put on until her announcement get to everyone :)
Enjoy the beauty.

Parker had her weight check appointment today which of course she did AWESOME at!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She's up to 7 lbs 14.5 ozs...already passed her birth weight and not wearing mommy out by any means. She is moving into about every four hours and taking significantly more each time, about 3 1/2 to 5 ozs each time! So big SO FAST!!!!!!!!!!!


Diana Lesjak said...

She is absolutely perfectly Beautiful!

our backyard homestead said...

she is so sweet Jackie!er