Friday, February 10, 2012


So a majority of you kn.ow that we continue to wait on Miss Parker's arrival. I have been having fairly regular contractions since Monday evening, going as far as to the hospital on Tuesday night because there were every three minutes and enough to make me stop what I was doing and losing breath. Of course I had no natural changes in my girlie parts and they sent me on my way to continue contracting but not changing.

COME ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Even tonight as I type every five minutes my belly jumps and holds in a contraction. It's actually exhausting even though I am not doing anything...

The girls are so confused why mommy doesn't get off the couch much and is just so tired. The sleep medicine works for a little bit but eventually the contractions pull through and I stay awake. Honestly if we weren't scheduled for induction on Wednesday I would possibly go insane. Who knew the third child would be the toughest to get started with the delivery process....not what we expected?!  By this time according to Gweny's due date we were already back home with her in our arms?!?!?!?!?!

So for now we wait. I have decided I just plan to meet her Wednesday. Period.

Until then, Hadley will help you smile. My own DJ Lance, live and in person. These pictures are a riot so make sure you pee first.

Mom that was not funny, just embarassing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Diana Lesjak said...

Ha... Hadley, it was pretty funny, and CUTE! Can't wait to hear of Parker's arrival! Name went on today!!