Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Parker's Day Out

Monday morning I woke up feeling pretty good, physically and emotionally things had some what balanced out. (Prolly mostly because milk is in and no more drugs on board for the battle wounds). We had Parker's first doctor's appointment in the afternoon and managed to have a great morning that went smoothly. Both her and I got a bath, the pump and feed were done in time for us to leave early for the appointment. Granted it was just her and I, when we throw in Hadley and Gweny I am worried how well it will all work, but no need to stress about that now. Her appointment went perfectly. She was such a little angel, really only crying when they were mean- aka striping her naked, stretching her to measure her and checking her hips. Otherwise she was as content as can be. The doctor was in love with her hair because she had just had a bath and it was sticking straight up?!?! Her weight went up some. 7 lbs 5.5 oz (was 7 lb 12 oz at birth and down to 7 lb 4 oz on discharge). She's still 21 inches as we suspected she would be :) Everything looked and sounded perfect with her. We go back in one week for a weight check. The pictures below are from my cell phone, so most people probably have seen them in one way or the other.

Right at birth, the shot I sent out to a majority of people.

Right before our hospital photo shoot, I snagged this photo with her little hair band and flower :)

Chilling with Mommy in the room, my FAVORITE thing :)

Laying beside Mommy, I can't get tired of watching her sleep. Even asleep she makes the funniest faces.

After her first bath, all wrapped in her pooh towel and smelling so fresh.

Her first trip out of the house with Mommy. I was so nervous driving her. She seemed so small and alone in the back of the van by herself. I left the radio off on the way to the doctor because I wanted to hear her?!?! Silly emotions and fears I didn't think I would have with our third kiddo.
 She is too sweet.

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