Monday, March 12, 2012

3 Week Shots

I realize this was last Wednesday, but I just got to editing them today. We had a busy weekend...going up to my parents on Thursday night for Hadley to do her preschool intake in Van Wert County :) Let's just hope all the pieces of the puzzle fall together to make that a reality.

Then we came home Saturday for me to have my first full day away from Parker. It was...good, yet scary. I mean I know she was home with my husband and his mom who are both capable, but I just had the hardest time saying goodbye to her for that long. I did however enjoy a fantastic girls day with my friend Kelly and Christa. We went to Columbus for the day, enjoyed some grown-up drinks and dinner followed by a Lisa Lampenelli show which was of course hilarious. I did make it home in time for her midnite feeding and getting her to sleep so that was okay with me :) Enjoy these pictures. Tomorrow we have her ONE MONTH CHECK UP????????????


1 comment:

Roxi's Reasons... said...

Adorable ! And I'm soo impressed that you're taking so many pictures already of your THIRD baby! You are amazing !