Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Oh My Parker

So entering my sixth week of maternity leave (she is five weeks old tomorrow?!?!) I would think I have some sort of routine and be really productive throughout my free days (free meaning no Hadley and Gweny) WELL THAT IS NOT THE WAY IT GOES?!?! I somehow have been less productive this week than ever before. Parker is continuing with her little night spells...last night staying awake from 1:30AM on?!? Finally letting me get some sleep at 7:30. This is after three nights in a row with a five hour period of sleep on her part with pumping and sorts I got like four consecutive hours. I am going crazy trying to figure out how to make it better and have to keep reminding myself she can't help it and doesn't have a clue what she is doing, just listening to what her body tells her. My body is telling me I am WORN out. On a better note...she has officially cooed for both Mark and I which is always soooooo fun getting to hear her voice and know her personality (outside of fussy gussy)!!! She is such a blessing to our family : )

My love with his littlest love :)

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